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Hudson Valley Seed Company

Homemade Pickles Cucumber - Delicious, crunchy, small, prolific cukes perfect for the pickle crock

Homemade Pickles Cucumber - Delicious, crunchy, small, prolific cukes perfect for the pickle crock

Regular price $4.79 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.79 USD
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Love pickles but think they're too much trouble? Not ready to take on canning? Grow these prolific cukes and then follow Margaret Roach's easy Refrigerator Pickles recipe. All that's required is water, vinegar, salt, some spice, and some fresh homegrown cucumbers harvested when they are still young. On her blog, A Way to Garden, Margaret writes, "I think of these unprocessed pickles as a seasonal treat; a real rite of the harvest season, so enjoy them summer-into-fall and then (as gardeners know how to by necessity) start looking forward to next year."
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